Saturday, September 24, 2016

Console Wars

 We are a console generation and its harder to decide which gaming console is the leading player in the market. We face a debate over two market leaders Microsoft’s Xbox One or Sony’s PlayStation 4. Both are continuously bringing technological modernization in designs, games and usability. To decide which ones the better option is a difficult decision to take. Because we continuously see addition of new unique features in both gaming consoles. 

Bringing Microsoft’s XBOX One to the board offers a wide range of XBOX 360 game and is on the way to support 4k videos. Talking about PlayStation 4 we see an immense advancement in sharing capabilities where you can share your favorite gaming clips to your friends and not to forget the functionality where you can virtually pass on the game controls to your friend. 

Console War: development of HD games and have huge collection of amazing games embracing the latest gaming generation. But which console should you choose is the question? Both the consoles XBOX One and playstation 4 are beating each other in gaming quality and collection. Xbox offers about 629 games with 33 exclusive games where as if we take PS4 into consideration it comprises of 600 games of which 100 games are exclusive. Clearly who wins the gaming library? PS4 it is. PlayStation 4 flagship brings in the collection of most played games like uncharted 4, blood bone, until dawn and God of war. Whereas Microsoft’s Xbox adds up games like Forza, Gears of War Series, Halo 5, Quantum Break etc.

 Both consoles are offering a wide range of sport games. But PS4 is loaded with more fighting games as compared to XBOX One which is dealing with killing instincts games. Xbox one also have a tendency where you can play Xbox 360’s games so if you already have Xbox 360 gaming collection then go get your XBOX one. It’s surely a better option because it plays two generation of XBOX games. PlayStation 4 is winner in its unique stylish slim console. It is better than XBOX one but if you have a taste of rich consoles than you are a XBOX one diehard.

 However Microsoft Xbox one has many favorable indie labels coming, one just cannot deny the Sony’s Japanese factor in PlayStation 4 with absolute number of indie games available on Sony's platform. But When it about choosing a gaming console you should come down to the availability of games you want to play.

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